Helen Cripps

Sep 29, 20192 min

World Bread Awards 2019

So it's already been a year since my first experience as a food judge. Last year I was invited to judge the Gluten Free category at the World Bread Awards. An interesting category to say the least, with the understanding of coeliac's disease growing and being talked about, it is starting to become more inventive. Not just the traditional white loaf, but multigrain, sourdough, tortillas...a whole range. Great for all coeliac's.. and I must say this years entries looked strong!

I however was dedicated to Sourdough, not just the ordinary, but Sourdough with added ingredients. The entrants did not disappoint, they were innovative and current, hitting all new food trends. A favourite of mine combining orange pulp and beetroot.. I mean WOW- flavour, colour and a taste to really think about.

Aside from that our team had a huge task ahead, with nearly 100 loaves it was a test to find a winner. It was nice to see the traditional loaves, in shape and style but also to see new adaptions, with flavours, shapes and those all important added ingredients.

It is great to see so many participants and we love to give constructive criticism were need, to help reward and encourage these bakers. Flavour, Aroma, texture, bake and appearance just a few of the things we are looking for... of course there are the technical elements, but then there is the personal perception. I love all things strange and creative so am not adverse to trying something new, however we all have our own opinions of what works.

I would like to thank everyone who entered for giving me a delightful day of judging... it is inspiring and refreshing to see new adaptions of classics!


#judge #bread #glutenfree #sourdough #event
